GJF is a Federation that unites manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and exporters all over India for a common interest which leads to the welfare of the Gems and Jewellery Industry
GJF commands immense respect and invincible credibility in the Gems and Jewellery industry. GJF brings the ultimate platform of immense talent the National Jewellery Awards (NJA) to its valued members and associates. Appreciating true talent is to stimulate our industry growth of talent in the industry. Honoring the innovation, creativity that inspires the flair of such talent is the core objective of GJF.
The immense success & recognition of NJA Awards in the industry have determined the 5 innings of NJA to emphasize on every brilliant aspect catering every vital section of the industry. NJA 2015 is about crafting, inspiration, passion, devotion and motivation for the industry.
GJF is a Federation that unites manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and exporters all over India for a common interest. Its unbiased and relentless efforts for the welfare of Gems and Jewellery industry have won itself tributes and an unquestionable credibility of being fair, compassionate and appreciative towards the industry. The trust, faith and belief that GJF has earned from its members, industry and government have undoubtedly contributed for the growth of this non-profit organization in the Gems and Jewellery sector.
National Jewellery Awards (NJA) honors every aspect, contribution and endeavor that goes in encouraging & enhancing innovation and creates master pieces and new bench marks in achieving greater business in our industry. GJF’s National Jewellery Awards are the most prestigious and noble awards of the Gems and Jewellery industry.
NJA is not a reserved body or an assortment of panel which does not comprehend every level of the pyramid;
it is an industry’s recognition from the industry,
by the industry,
to the industry.
National Jewellery Awards comprises 4 different segments and have 26 award categories and each category has a personalized timeline and appropriate assessment process in order to define the excellence of the winner in the most adequate procedure that will propel the vital recognition that one accurately earns.
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